Maternity Care Initiative

Pridružite se nam v prizadevanjih za odlično obporodno skrb v Sloveniji.

The society Natural Beginnings has drawn up a proposal for excellent maternity care in Slovenia. We invite you to join us and support our efforts with your vote. We will present the initiative with your signatures to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia.

Much was gained with the introduction of the medical approach into pregnancy and childbirth: the use of antibiotics and transfusion, safe Caesarean techniques, important diagnostic procedures, interventions and drugs aimed at resolving complications and health problems for mother and baby. When combined with better living standards, access to health care and women's greater autonomy in terms of making the decision about motherhood, it has led to a decrease in mortality and morbidity in both women and babies. According to some indicators, Slovenia is among the countries with good perinatal results. However, expectant women and families face some key problems:

  • Established birth practices have not been satisfactorily updated in line with the most recent scientific findings. Some frequently used practices are not of benefit during a low-risk labour and birth and some even harm women and/or babies. On the other hand, there are practices with scientifically proven benefits that have not become established in Slovenia.
  • Women and their partners are not always properly informed about the advantages and disadvantages of individual interventions and/or treatments, care and procedures during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period, or about the possible choices and their advantages and disadvantages.
  • The attitude of medical experts towards a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and afterwards, as well as towards her child and family, does not always meet quality standards.
  • Many women and parents are not sufficiently informed about patient rights; the realisation of patient rights is not always ensured or consistent.

  • 1.
  • The attitude to every woman is respectful. The dignity of women is guaranteed.

A suitable attitude is guaranteed from all the medical experts and others who take part in maternity care. Every medical expert is personally responsible to the mother, family, community and the health system for the quality of his/her care.

  • 2.
  • During pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period women and their families are given emotional, physical and social support.

  • 3.
  • Low-risk pregnant women are ensured a physiological labour and birth, and all women are guaranteed appropriate medical help.

The implementation of all the practices based on modern scientific findings about the pros and cons of interventions, procedures and medicines which are proven to be effective and support the normal physiology of pregnancy, labour, birth and post-natal period, are guaranteed in maternity care. Appropriate, high quality and safe medical care of the mother and baby is provided.

  • 4.
  • Potentially dangerous procedures, interventions and drugs are used in maternity care only for weighty reasons.

Routine or frequent use of certain interventions, procedures or drugs during a normal labour and birth is not justified by scientific findings and can be potentially dangerous or harmful for the mother and/or the baby. A considered and well-grounded decision to use such interventions, procedures or drugs is required.

  • 5.
  • Various drug-free methods of alleviating labour pains and modern analgesic or anaesthetic drugs are available.

  • 6.
  • A model of maternity care which combines the approaches used by midwives and medical practitioners is implemented.

A model of maternity care is implemented which in a considered and justified manner combines two approaches: midwifery – ensuring care in terms of the physiological course of pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period; and the approach used by medical practitioners when there are (potential) illness, risks and/or complications involved. The two approaches complement each other and women are transferred between the two approaches according to the condition of their health in order to ensure safe and effective care for mother and baby. Midwifery and obstetrics are independent professions, each with specific competences and responsibilities.

  • 7.
  • During pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period, women are guaranteed continuous and comprehensive care following the “one woman – one midwife” principle.

  • 8.
  • Medical and other experts, institutions, organisations and associations work in harmony during maternity care.

  • 9.
  • During maternity care a woman is accompanied by the persons of her choice.

At check-ups during pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period women are accompanied by their family or friends or anyone else of their choice, one person or more; women are informed about the advantages of uninterrupted support from those close to them during labour.

  • 10.
  • In maternity care, the Patients Rights Act is fully adhered to.*

Women’s participation in making decisions on their care is guaranteed. Parents’ participation in making decisions regarding the care of their baby is guaranteed. Medical experts wait for consent to, acceptance of and agreement with or rejection of the suggested procedure, intervention or medication. The common goal is safe and effective care of baby and mother.

Women are guaranteed the right whether or not to participate in a study about which they have been fully informed.

Protection of privacy and of personal data during all procedures, such as taking medical history, examinations, interventions and treatment are guaranteed.

Women are guaranteed the right to accept or reject a suggestion that other people (in addition to the medical expert involved and his/her colleagues) should carry out a procedure or an intervention.

Women are guaranteed the right to see and receive a copy of the documentation regarding their case, and parents the right to see and receive a copy a copy of the documentation regarding their child.

The realisation of the right to deal with a violation of patient's right and the use of the services of the Patients Rights Ombudsman are guaranteed.

* All the paragraphs under this title are based on the Patients Rights Act.

  • 11.
  • During maternity care, fully informed choice is guaranteed.

Prior to every procedure or intervention medical experts ensure a fully informed choice; for this, they use language that is understandable and adapted to the individual woman or parents.

  • 12.
  • A maternity care system is created which includes various types of places of birth and birth settings with suitable expert help.

The choice of various types of places of birth and birth settings with suitable expert help is ensured. For low-risk pregnancies, women can choose between maternity hospitals and independent birth centres or opt for a home birth on the basis of objective information about the advantages and risks involved.

  • 13.
  • Women and families are informed about the doctrine of health care associated with each type of a birth setting.

  • 14.
  • In each birth setting constant contact between the child and the mother (father, a significant other) is guaranteed. During pregnancy, labour, birth and the postpartum period information, support and help in the care of the baby are provided.

Maternity care helps create the conditions for the excellent physical and mental health of the baby and its parents within the family and community.

  • 15.
  • A consultation team is established for the creation and monitoring of the maternity care system; its goal is safe and effective care of mother and child.

The consultation team includes decision-makers and policy shapers, service users, associations, experts from different fields, representatives from educational and research institutions, and care providers; their work is based on cooperation and the recognition of competences.

Educational and research institutions involved in maternity care are committed to the development of science and professionalism and the education of experts. The organisations involved in the provision of care are committed to the realisation of maternity care. The decision makers and policy shapers are committed to ensuring suitable conditions and the realisation of the functioning of an excellent maternity care system.

Personal data protection: Your personal data will be held by Natural Beginnings. When we present the initiative to the Ministry for Health, your data will be included. It will not be used for any other purposes or shared with others. In order to prevent any misuse, Natural Beginnings will send you an e-mail. We will count your agreement with the initiative only after you have confirmed it by clicking on the link in the e-mail.

We signed "Maternity Care Initiative":

Initiators and prime supporters:

  • Zalka Drglin
  • Irena Šimnovec
  • Marsden Wagner
  • Ina May Gaskin
  • Van Tuyl Thea
  • Elisabeth Geisel
  • Elizabeth Davis
  • Robbie Davis-Floyd
  • Verena Schmid
  • Dunja Obersnel Kveder
  • Debra Pascali-Bonaro

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